Werner A. Reis Attorney
Admitted To Bar
1983, Wisconsin
Honors & Activities
- Board Certified Pathology, 1977
- American College of Legal Medicine, Fellow
- Board Certification as a Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine (1993)
- Currently licensed to practice medicine in Wisconsin
- Became a member of Warshafsky Law Firm as an attorney and physician (1980)
- Achieved the largest settlement ever awarded by Milwaukee County
- Compiled evidence in major medical malpractice cases, resulting in multiple awards in the millions and multiple settlements in the millions (1980 - present)
- Published several works on the topic of medical-legal law
- Personal contributions to Warshafsky: proving doctor forgery and document, constructing sophisticated clay anatomical models for trial exhibits to prove negligence, medical and scientific research and analysis for depositions and trial, and preparation of expert witnesses
- Providing expert case analysis to avoid nuisance lawsuits
Personal Profiles