Warshafsky Law Firm has created a charitable foundation for the purpose of providing scholarships for deserving young Milwaukeeans. Our Milwaukee personal injury lawyers award scholarships at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and to several deserving nursing students, designated by the Milwaukee Black Nurses Association.
Milwaukee community law firm: Ride of Silence & other philanthropy Wisconsin pro bono lawsuits and philanthropy
Warshafsky Law Firm Foundation: Putting the personal into Milwaukee personal injury
Unlike many scholarship programs, the prime criteria for the awards are a financial need and a reasonable expectation of success. A C-plus average and good recommendations from teachers and advisors will suffice. This approach was developed in recognition of the fact that many young people with good potential come from environments and economic conditions that do not permit them to achieve their full potential while in high school. The purpose of the program is to give these kids a better chance, leaving the exceptional student scholarships to other programs.
The Foundation has entered into an arrangement with the League of Martin, an organization of African-American police officers, for it to provide mentors when needed to scholarship recipients. Having a mature, interested person to turn to for confidential advice is considered by educators to be a key indicator of future success, particularly for young people who do not have that resource at home.
Foundation President Ted Warshafsky said the name of the scholarship honors two innocent young people who were slaughtered in their teens at the altar of bigotry. Anne Frank by the Nazis because she was Jewish; Emmett Till by the KKK because he was African American. Previous winners include students from Bradley Tech High School, South Division High School and other area schools.
In addition to the scholarships, Warshafsky Law Firm Foundation supports the annual “Ride of Silence,” dedicated to memorializing and raising awareness of bicyclists injured and killed on public roadways. Warshafsky also contributes to charitable organizations, including:
- Pearls for Girls, a group that supports disadvantaged kids from middle school through high school graduation, and then provides scholarships and mentoring.
- League of Martin Scholarship Fund
- Mad Hot Ballroom & Tap, a group that provides after-school involvement and recreation for MPS students.
- The Holton Street YMCA, a boys and girls club that provides mentoring and after-school help for MPS students.
- The Venice Arts Council, which provides art outlets and education for disadvantaged students.
- The HeartLove Place, an organization that provides help and guidance to inner-city residents.
- Hunger Task Force
- Centro Legal of Milwaukee
- Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Citizen Action of Wisconsin
- United Performing Art Fund
Our Milwaukee personal injury attorneys also support the Police Athletic League, Midwest Athletes against Childhood Cancer (MACC) and the Trial Lawyer for Public Justice.