Milwaukee Personal Injury Lawsuits Frequently Asked Questions

Are there special rules to follow after a car accident in Milwaukee?

While your accident was in Milwaukee Wisconsin law established expectations for drivers involved in accidents. State statutes require any driver involved in an accident to stop at the scene, render reasonable assistance to anyone who needs it, report the accident to police, and remain at the scene until emergency help arrives. In this instance it would be the Milwaukee PD, sheriff department, Milwaukee fire and rescue and if you are on a interstate 94 responding officers may be from the WI. state patrol.

Do I have to report a car accident in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin law does requires any witness of a car accident resulting in any of the following circumstances: injury or death is involved, there is $1000 in personal property damage or $200 in government property damage, a vehicle is towed, or wildlife has been killed or injured. As attorneys who actually take case to trial we can tell you, even when there are no serious injuries a police report is a valuable starting point for our board certified investigator to find and document evidence that may have been missed.

I was injured in Milwaukee do I have to hire a lawyer from Milwaukee?

You don’t ‘have to’ hire an attorney at all. IF you are injured there is no possible way you will receive the compensation Warshafsky Law will on your behalf. Warshafsky’s attorney Victor Harding is Wisconsin 2021 and 2022 product liability attorney of the year. Victor a tenacious, extremely successful, experienced litigator is feared by insurance companies. Warshafsky is a Milwaukee based law firm, we know the ins and outs of the Milwaukee court house as well or better than anyone. So, while you don’t ‘have to’ hire an attorney, if you are injured Warshafsky is your best chance for maximum compensation.